Date: 14 January 2025
Les Foyers de Charité
Lancement de la Commission Indépendante d’Étude Pluridisciplinaire sur les Foyers de Charité

Le 9 janvier 2025, les travaux de la commission indépendante d’étude pluridisciplinaire sur les Foyers de Charité ont été lancés par sœur Christine Foulon, co-déléguée pontificale avec Laurent Landete. Cette étude a pour objet de mettre à la disposition de tous une histoire partagée de l’Œuvre des Foyers, particulièrement celle des abus commis, sans se […]

Date: 27 April 2019
Les Foyers de Charité
VIDEO : Découvrir les Foyers de Charité en 3 minutes

Cette Œuvre sera le refuge des grandes détresses qui viendront y puiser la consolation et l’espérance. Je veux qu’elle soit un Foyer éclatant de Lumière, de Charité et d’Amour ….  (Paroles du Christ à Marthe Robin) Chaque année des milliers d’hommes et de femmes cherchent à se mettre à l’écart du bruit et du tourbillon […]

Date: 13 December 2017
Les foyers de charité perfectionnent l’envoi de leurs volontaires
Date: 13 August 2017
A work of spiritual mercy : teaching those in search of God

Bishop Hervé Gosselin, the former Father of the Foyer de Charité dof Tressaint and newly appointed Bishop of Angoulême, explained how Marthe Robin (1902-1981) was keen to teach the unschooled and how the spiritual retreats are a practical solution in this work of spiritual mercy. Read the full article on the website of the conference […]

Date: 13 August 2017
Les Foyers de Charité
General Meeting of the Foyers de Charité

The Foyers de Charité gathered until Tuesday 21 June as part of the “General Meeting” in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure 250 delegates, priests or lay people, members of the 78 Foyers de Charité of the world, took part in this high point of the work of the Foyers over a period of two weeks. The agenda for the […]

Date: 13 August 2017
Les Foyers de Charité
Fr Moïse Ndione elected “Moderator Father” of the Foyers de Charité

During the course of their general meeting at the Foyer de Charité of Châteauneuf-de-Galaure (Drôme – France), the 250 delegates (priests and laity) of the 78 Foyers de Charité around the world elected the new head of the Work, who will be called “Moderator Father” from now on. At the age of 57 years, Fr […]

Why go on spiritual retreat ?

Whatever the reasons, the spiritual retreat is a breathing space in a setting that inspires inner reflection. The setting, silence and pace of the retreat give the participants the freedom to open up to themselves and to God.

A spiritual retreat is a break for the heart and the mind. It creates a breathing space for:

  • Relaxing, resting and finding comfort in the middle of our very busy lives;
  • Meeting with God in silence, reading his Word and rekindling the fire of our faith;
  • Reflecting on the meaning of our existence, taking a step back before making important choices;
  • Exploring the key questions of life and gaining a better understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith.
