Message du pape François adressé aux jeunes pour les JMJ 2023

Pour la 37e Journée Mondiale de la Jeunesse, le pape François interpelle les jeunes du monde entier : « Marie se leva, et s’en alla en hâte » (Lc 1,39). Rendez-vous leur est donné, au niveau local le 20 novembre 2022 et au niveau international à Lisbonne (Portugal) du 1er au 6 août 2023.

Découvrez le texte complet en Français–modello-dei-giovani-in-movimento–messaggio-per-la-gmg-20.html


Why go on spiritual retreat ?

Whatever the reasons, the spiritual retreat is a breathing space in a setting that inspires inner reflection. The setting, silence and pace of the retreat give the participants the freedom to open up to themselves and to God.

A spiritual retreat is a break for the heart and the mind. It creates a breathing space for:

  • Relaxing, resting and finding comfort in the middle of our very busy lives;
  • Meeting with God in silence, reading his Word and rekindling the fire of our faith;
  • Reflecting on the meaning of our existence, taking a step back before making important choices;
  • Exploring the key questions of life and gaining a better understanding of the foundations of the Christian faith.
